Greetings from CCAM!

    We’ve now come down to the last stretch of the CCAM 2020 Industry Excellence Awards.

    The presentations have been made, judging conducted and scores tabulated.

    These last few months have been enlightening for both participants and judges. We’ve been surprised with the ingenuity and creativity of some of the participants. This is exactly what our industry is about!

    The calibre of the participants and the professionalism displayed has made the judges’ jobs all the more difficult, but we’ve had to pick winners.

    I thank all participants – both organisations and individuals, for their participation in this year’s Awards.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone at the CCAM Virtual Awards ceremony on the 19th of December 2020, where we will announce all our award winners.

    Warm Greetings
    S. Thilakavathi
    Awards Chair
    2020 Industry Excellence Awards