Managing Adversities and Moving Forward ” How Contact Centres in Malaysia Survive a Global Pandemic”.

    Greetings from CCAM,


    Managing Adversities and Moving Forward
    ” How Contact Centres in Malaysia Survive a Global Pandemic”.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the contact centre industry in Malaysia like no other occurrence before. Testing our resilience and forcing hard decisions, we have been threatened by an array of game-changing challenges:

    · Health and safety of employees and a rapid ramping up of previously untried work-from-home models;

    · Immediate ramping up of business continuity and crisis management procedures;

    · Connectivity, remote operations and data security issues;

    · Environmental health issues and the implementation of disease prevention protocols;

    · Uncertain call volumes and workforce management pressures;

    · Disruption of team structures the strong organizational culture that defines our success as an industry;

    · And many others.

    Malaysian contact centres have, in large part, been recognized for our strength in dealing with the social, economic and organizational hardships of these times. Now, about six months into the crisis, it is timely to take a step back and survey the things we have learned, the Best Practices we have implemented, and the trials yet to be faced.

    The CCAM webinar, “How Contact Centres in Malaysia Survive a Global Pandemic” will bring together a panel of experienced industry experts to share their views on how we have weathered this crisis and how we need to be ready for what may be yet to come.