WORK-AT-HOME CX Agents – The Business Model Now and the Future

    Greetings From CCAM,

    Since the Movement Control Order was put in place, many organizations have transitioned their employees to Work-At-Home (WAH) for their safety. In some places, such as Scotland and Malaysia, contact centre operations are seen as essential services that allow the operations to continue from the organization’s office. However, as the pandemic continues to rise, many organizations concerned with the health of employees and stability of work output have started moving their agents to Work-At-Home (WAH), regardless of government mandates.

    COPC Inc. firmly believes that while COVID-19 has posed many challenges for Customer Experience (CX) operations, it has also created an opportunity for organizations to reflect, innovate and transform operations to suit their current needs.

    This webinar event is OPEN FOR ALL and is completely FREE OF CHARGE!

    Please join our new webinar as Shreekant Vijaykar, Director of Asia Operations, COPC Inc. APAC REGION, moderates the discussion with esteemed industry players on WORK-AT-HOME as the business model for now and the future.

    The webinar will be paneled by industry stalwarts whom have providentially implemented and executed “Work-At-Home” policies in their respective organizations

    We will be discussing the following topics

    • The challenges of having agents working at home
    • The technologies required to enable “WAH” agents
    •  How success is measured in “WAH” operations
    •  The difference between long-term “WAH” and short-term Covid-19 Response
    •  Enhance skill-sets that are required for “WAH”
    •  “WAH” as an evolution of the industry

    MAKE A DATE with us whilst you WORK-AT-HOME, 
    Register via the link below

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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